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Metagenomics applied to the food industry

Metagenomics applied to the food industry

Controlling microbiological contamination is of vital importance for the food industry to prevent food alterations or risks for consumers’ safety. Microbiological controls in food and work environments usually revolve around assessing microbiological indicators, for example, counting total aerobic microorganisms or enterobacteria, or identifying the presence of pathogenic microorganisms such as Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella or Campylobacter. […]

Hygiene through cavitation: ultrasonic cleaning in the food industry

Hygiene through cavitation: ultrasonic cleaning in the food industry

Cavitation: an innovative cleaning and disinfection system for the food industry based on ultrasonic technology, that will significantly shorten, improve and automate cleaning processes. Using cavitation, in combination with high temperatures and specific chemistry, dirt and grease are easily removed, and microorganisms and biofilms are eliminated. The ultrasonic system can be incorporated into the production […]