Why is the beauty and personal care market under pressure to constantly innovate?

Education: a human right, a public good and a collective responsibility
Education is more than a basic human right; it is a pillar of social development and global progress. In recognition of its central role, the United Nations General Assembly declared 24 January the International Day of Education to celebrate and promote education as a driving force for peace and sustainable development. At the core of […]

Global Handwashing Day: A Call to Action for Clean Hands
Every year, on the 15th of October, the Global Handwashing Day is celebrated all over the world. It is a day to raise awareness about the importance of hand hygiene and encourage people to make it a habit to wash their hands. It’s also a global advocacy day dedicated to raising awareness of the importance […]

Earth Overshoot Day 2024
Earth Overshoot Day marks the date when humanity’s annual consumption of resources exceeds the Earth’s capacity to regenerate those resources in the same year. In 2024, this day will fall on 1 August. According to the Global Footprint Network, Earth Overshoot Day highlights the imbalance between human consumption and the planet’s ability to regenerate ecological […]

Onko entsymaattisten puhdistusaineiden käyttö elintarviketeollisuudessa vaihtoehto?
Elintarviketeollisuuden uusien hygieniatuotteiden innovointi ja kehittäminen tarjoavat uusia ratkaisuja puhdistukseen ja desinfiointiin ja parantavat siten näiden prosessien turvallisuutta, tehokkuutta ja kestävyyttä. Puhdistus- ja desinfiointialan innovoinnissa tutkitaan uusien teknologioiden, kuten entsyymien ja biokatalyytteinä toimivien proteiinien (jotka nopeuttavat kemiallisia reaktioita, kuten biomolekyylien hydrolyysiä), soveltuvuutta ja suorituskykyä. Teollisella tasolla saatavilla olevien entsyymien suuren monimuotoisuuden ja niiden katalysoimien reaktioiden […]

Cosmetics Manufacturing 2024: Overcoming the Challenges Ahead
The cosmetics industry is one of the most dynamic in the world today, with constant challenges to develop novel and inventive formulations, deliver continuous innovation and ensure superior product tolerability. Manufacturers in the cosmetics industry face several challenges. The market is fast-paced and demanding, driven by a constant quest for innovation and evolving consumer preferences. […]

Yes, you can avoid spreading the seasonal flu!
Seasonal influenza, more commonly known as the flu, is an infection of the respiratory tract caused by influenza viruses. It occurs in all regions of the world. Influenza A viruses, further divided into subtypes based on surface proteins, are the most common influenza viruses. Subtypes A (H1N1) and A (H3N2) are currently circulating in the […]

About healthcare-associated infection (HAI)
Everyone has heard of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), but most people don’t know exactly what they are, so it’s important to start with a definition. HAIs are infections that patients acquire while in hospital or other healthcare settings. While some infections are easily treated, others can have a significant impact on a patient’s well-being, prolonging their […]

What you need to know about polyquaterniums stains
Polyquaternium stains are a persistent issue for commercial laundries. The culprit is a conditoning ingredient called polyquaternium-7. This polymer sticks to fabrics and causes non-removable dark stains. As a result, laundries face the cost of frequent textile replacement costs. This blog post’s aim is to help understand and address this issue, and find effective ways […]

Sunscreen stains, one of the hidden costs in laundries
Sunscreen is essential in protecting the skin from the harmful rays of summer. Unfortunately, most sunscreens tend to cause yellow-orange stains on textile, which are difficult to remove. As a result, normal washing cycles are no longer effective and laundries are confronted with a high percentage of rewash and a significant increase in processing costs. […]