Revolutionise your hygiene control with LoopiX® In situ pathogen detection technology

Do you test for specific pathogens as part of your Environmental Monitoring Programme?

Are you frustrated by the delay in receiving these results due to the constraints of laboratory practices?

f undertaking in-house, fast and reliable pathogen analysis would enhance your programme then Loopix ® is for you!

Rapid pathogen analysis  without the unsafe practice of encouraging the growth of the bacteria in a non-laboratory environment is now possible and readily available. Within 90 minutes of taking a swab you can identify the presence of the pathogen without the need for pre-enrichment, promoting the growth of bacteria or posing a bacterial risk to your operation.

Loopix ®
provides a qualitative pathogen identification solution that is simple, fast and reliable and produces no biohazard waste or risks to operatives.

In real-time you can for the first time actively control the presence of specific pathogens in your production environment providing a level of control of your food safety that previously could only be dreamt of.

Loopix ®
provides a level of food safety control that protects your customers, your reputation and your business.


  • Easy, quick and specific analytical method
  • Swab to result in less than 90 minutes
  • Optimised pathogen monitoring 
  • Reducing product contamination risk
  • Minimal skills required
  • No on-site pathogen incubation

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The analysis can be conducted on-site.


Swab to result in less than 90 minutes.


No specific training and skills required.


High level of sensitivity and specifity.

A pathogen detection solution for the food processing environment

The food industry faces ongoing challenges in food safety, including recurring outbreaks of foodborne illnesses, product recalls, and reducing consumer trust. Pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp., compromise food safety, damage brand reputation, and harm the financial well-being of the food industry.

Christeyns, in collaboration with Loop Dee Science, provides a pathogen detection technology that offers an easy, quick and specific solution to monitor these harmful organisms. This supports companies to maintain stringent food safety standards and helps to protect customers, reputations and businesses.

The technology consists of the Loopix ® device in combination with LoopDeetect detection kits. Discover how the Loopix ® technology can strengthen and speed up the pathogen control of your entire production process.


Pathogen detection kits

Listeria monocytogenes



This innovative solution incorporates advanced technology in a remarkable compact and practical device. Those features make it suitable to be used outside laboratory environments and with only minimal training.

  • Based on LAMP technology
  • All pathogens, one device
  • Controled  through a free app
  • Connected through USB or Bluetooth
  • No wifi-connection required
Loop Dee Science Loopix


The test kits and protocols are developed to obtain an optimal balance between accuracy, speed and ease of use.
With limited training and space these tests can be performed anywhere and by anyone.
  • Single-dose formats
  • Color-coded
  • Pathogen specific
  • Minimal handling


Available test kits:
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Salmonella spp.


Do I need special precautions for the disposal of the waste?

All the microbiological contamination is denatured during the lysis step, all materials are free from microbiological risk and can be disposed of with normal waste. It is essential, however, to adhere to local waste regulations and guidelines when disposing of any materials related to our services.

Do I need to be online for testing?

No, the technology can be run in stand-alone mode or with the LoopiX App. The LoopiX Cloud tool can only be used online.

What about using the test for product assessment?

Additional handling steps and due to the wide range of food products validation needs to be performed on customer level

Can i get a quantitave result with this technology?

No, this tests gives a straight forward presence of absence result of the tested pathogen or pathogenic species.

What is the max time from taking the swab to starting the analysis?

The collection medium in which the sample is recovered allows preservation without significant loss of bacterial load for 8 hours at room temperature and 24 hours at 4°C. 2h is the max time between lysis and amplification.

What sensitivity and specificity do you achieve?

The accredited laboratory that carried out the validation of the amplification system found a sensitivity and specificity of 100% in comparison with an AFNOR validation protocol.

What is the detection level of the method?

There are two detection limits.
– The detection limits of the amplification system: this is the quantity of genetic material required in the amplification mix to be detected.
– The swab method detection limit: this is the quantity of genetic material required on the swab to be detected. This takes the purification step performed with the LPX purification kit into account.

The LoD (Limits of Detection) is expressed in genomic units per sample as the quantity of genetic material present in bacterial cells varies a lot depending on the metabolism of the bacteria. The indicated CFU values originate from the internal and external test results.

LoD Listeria monocytogenes
– Amplification system : 31 +/- 9 genomic units per sample
– Swab method: 2480 +/- 720 genomic units per sample /103 CFU per sample

LoD Salmonella spp.
– Amplification system: 11 +/- 5 genomic units per sample
– Swab method: 880 +/- 400 genomic units per sample / 10² CFU per sample

Is this method certified (NordVal, AOAC, AFNOR)

Not yet. It’s a monitoring tool that doesn’t require this kind of certification if used for self-checking. However AOAC certification is ongoing. It’s always important to remember that to obtain a legitimate test-result the certified method should be performed by an accredited person. For this reason we can’t aim to replace official testing where the results should always be legitimate.

Do you need safety cabinet for LAMP working?

No, this technology is designed to be used everywhere, also outside lab environments.

Can product (e.g. cheese) be tested using this machine, or only swabs?

This solution can as well be used for product testing. In that case a pre-enrichment should be performed and additional food matrix-specific validations have to be performed.

How is this method validated

The Loopdeetect method has undergone internal and external testing prior to commercialisation. The external tests are performed by a COFRAC-accredited laboratory for the GTA 59 lab field which implicates microbiological analysis on food products and food processing environments.

In  partnership with Loop Dee Science