Takket være sine folk har Christeyns vokst fra en liten, familieeid bedrift til en stor, internasjonal aktør. Vi ønsker å ta godt vare på vår mest verdifulle kapital, så vi investerer i opplæring og personlig utvikling for å oppnå 100 % arbeidsglede. Er du hygienefrik og klar for å jobbe i et åpent, innovativt og utfordrende miljø? Les videre!
Assistant informatique H/F
Chargé d’étude technique pharmaceutique et cosmétique H/F
Regulatory Assistent (tijdelijke functie)
Junior Office Manager
Operator Perazijn
Stagiaire ingénieur en amélioration continue logistique
Gestor de cuentas Lavandería – Andalucía
Gestor de cuentas Lavandería – zona Noroeste
Gestor de cuentas Lavandería – Cataluña
Responsable commercial – Hygiène Professionnelle
Project Leader biocidal products – Food Hygiëne Division
Talent Manager
Customer Service Representative
Senior technieker/teamleader
Electro Technical Engineer
Operator Aanmaker
Technicien formateur électrotechnique – Nord H/F
Chef d’équipe Production
Teamleader Customer Service
Green tech application specialist Food Hygiene
Multi Skilled Engineer Electrical Bias
Sales Support Manager Food Hygiene BeNeLux
Installateur.ice Électrotechnique Itinérant.e
New positions available in New Zealand!
Wäschereitechniker – Vertriebsingenieur
Service -og Salgskonsulent
Account Manager B2B Food Hygiene
Spécialiste en application/hygiène secteur agroalimentaire
Stageplaats Wasprocessen Specialist
Open sollicitatie
Spontaneous Application
Candidatura espontânea
Candidatura Spontanea
Spontane sollicitatie
Candidature spontanée
Spontaneous Application
Spontan søknad
Spontaneous Application
What's in it for you
En familie med ett åpent sinn
En internasjonal aktør
En felles lidenskap
Et utfordrende miljø
Et miljøvennlig tankesett
Et hjerte for folket vårt
Clean-up the neighbourhood as a team
Waste reduction, sustainability and community involvement in cleaning up need to be more than just intentions - they require real…
Christeyns vinner EcoVadis-sølvmedalje for 2024
Vi er glade for å kunngjøre at Christeyns NV nok en gang har blitt tildelt EcoVadis sølvmedalje for 2024. Denne…
Christeyns Wins EcoVadis Gold Medal for 2023
We are thrilled to announce that Christeyns has been awarded the prestigious EcoVadis Gold Medal for 2023, recognizing our commitment…
Book on Listeria monocytogenes in meat industries
CHRISTEYNS launches a book that reviews the basic elements for the effective control of the presence of Listeria monocytogenes in…