Few sectors are as hygiene-sensitive as the dairy industry. Whether you produce cheese, milk, yogurt, butter or ice cream, these critical processes depend on unprecedented levels of hygiene and cleanliness. From the collection of raw milk (RMC) throughout the process of pasteurisation, sterilisation and aseptic filling: you need effective detergents and disinfectants, combined with thorough cleaning instructions to maintain the highest standard of food safety, day in day out.

getting things clean and safe
Getting things clean & safe
High-quality detergents and disinfectants for optimal food hygiene
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Sustainable Solutions
The environmental aspect of food hygiene processes
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the right equipment
The right Equipment
Specialised tools and equipment for cleaning in the dairy industry
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Easy monitoring
Management information systems to optimise your cleaning procedures, performance and productivity
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professional advice
Professional advice & service
Experts and specialists helping you face the challenges of modern dairy companies
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Education & training
Food hygiene training for professionals in the dairy industry.
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Our Products

The MIDA product range is fully dedicated to applications in the food sector. MIDA Flow focuses on the cleaning in place (CIP) of e.g. tanks and fillers, while MIDA Foam for open plant cleaning (OPC) works on the removal of organic and inorganic soiling on equipment, floors and moulds. For conveyor belts and packaging machines MIDA Lube smoothens the process and MIDA Memcare is specifically developed for filter and membrane cleaning. Milk stone removal, biofilm detection kits and airborne disinfection for production areas are a few of the specialities in our broad range.


Christeyns tarjoaa laajan valikoiman elintarvikehygienialaitteita, joista valita: keskuspesu-, satelliitti- ja desinfiointijärjestelmistä kemikaalien annostelujärjestelmiin, ultraäänipuhdistuslaitteistoihin ja kulunvalvontalaitteisiin. Erikoistuotteet, kuten kuivavoitelu- ja ilmadesinfiointijärjestelmät, vaahdotuslaitteet ja muottipesimet täydentävät valikoiman.


Valvontajärjestelmämme varmistavat, että elintarviketurvallisuusohjelmat, laatuvaatimukset ja hygieniastandardit täyttyvät. Täysin automatisoitu INSITE-tietohallintajärjestelmä valvoo kiertopesua ja pintapesua. Nopeita ja yksinkertaisia hygieniatarkastuksia varten manuaaliset testivälineet tarjoavat ratkaisun.


Pyrimme vettä, energiaa ja tuotteita säästäviin pesurutiineihin optimoimalla kemikaalien käyttöä ja puhdistusprosessien vaiheita. Siksi valikoimaamme kuuluvat ympäristömerkityt kemikaalit. Optimoimme pesu- ja ratavoiteluprosesseja vedenkulutuksen vähentämiseksi. Voit valita peretikkahappomme biohajoavana vaihtoehtona klooriyhdisteiden tilalle. Olemme kehittäneet 2-in-1 puhdistus- ja desinfiointiratkaisuja kemikaalien käytön vähentämiseksi.

Education and Training

How to set up your hygiene and cleaning plans? What about microbiological techniques and food safety legislation? Christeyns Academy provides practical and theoretical trainings for food hygiene professionals in the field.

Professional Advice

We don’t settle for less than the highest standard of food safety. Our dedicated team of experts stands by your side to offer you a flexible service and customized hygiene solutions.

Feel Safe with Christeyns Food Hygiene

Christeyns is the perfect partner to manage the specific hygiene challenges of the food industry. At Christeyns Food Hygiene, we are a group of specialists with extensive technical knowledge and experience in food hygiene and safety. Proper cleaning and disinfection are very important measures to control microbiological contamination, to avoid the presence of pathogens and […]
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